Keshet of the Rockies at a glance
Twenty-three years ago a group of parents banded together to address a critical need. The identified need focused on a core issue of not leaving their child with special needs behind, in regards to providing for them as naturally providing for all their children. With that focus, a grassroots, Jewish special education organization was born. An initial six children with special needs, integrated at Hillel Academy.
From those beginnings, arose Keshet of the Rockies (Keshet), which now services well over one hundred students with special needs, as the umbrella organization that supports these children from five Denver Jewish day schools (Hillel Academy, Denver Academy of Torah, Denver Jewish Day School, and Beth Jacob High School, and Yeshiva Toras Chaim). This number represents fifteen percent of the total number of students at all day schools. Keshet of the Rockies is a non-profit, 501 C-3.
Keshet provides funding for all Jewish day schools, in Denver, which has provided students with learning disabilities, hearing loss, ADHD, Down Syndrome, autism spectrum, behavioral, language, and other disorders.Through appropriate support, however, having a special education consultant will enhance the programming that already exists, with an increase of support, which is needed.
Keshet of the Rockies mission and goal is to integrate every student that wants a Jewish education to attend a Jewish Day School. Therefore, appropriate support is needed for students with special needs to have a successful and meaningful education. Keshet of the Rockies not only provides financial support to each school, but also supports the schools with special education consulting.
Keshet of the Rockies supports all Jewish Day Schools in Denver. A dedicated special educator with a master’s in special education (Colorado Professional Teacher's License K-12), serves as a support for the Day School's learning resource centers, parents, staff, and students at the schools. The impact of having a special education consultant will enhance more individual and small group support, providing an increase of growth for each student.
Baseline assessments are administered to the students in the beginning of the school year, in the areas of literacy, math, Hebrew and Judaics. The same assessments are administered at the end of the year. This quantitative measurement will be used to show growth from students throughout the school year. Through the use of interventions and strategies, students' growth is achieved.
Keshet of the Rockies serves the entire educational range from kindergarten through High School. Keshet collaborates with  administration, staff, students, and parents, at each Jewish Day School. The importance of communicating effectively provides a positive impact for student’s growth.  Also, Keshet supports all Jewish Day Schools fundraiser dinners.