2023 Back to School
Virtual Fundraiser
As we begin the month of Elul, Keshet of the Rockies support will positively impact needs for students to be successful.
There are over 100 students in all the Jewish Day Schools in Denver that require intervention in academic, speech and language, and social/emotional needs, which require community support.
Your generous gift will go directly to funding resource programs in the Jewish Day Schools. Therefore, your donation will ensure that ALL students attending a Jewish Day School in Denver, have the resources for each student to thrive.
Your gift to Keshet of the Rockies is so important!
Please open your heart and donate today. Every donation of $400 or more QUALIFIES FOR THE COLORADO CHILD CARE TAX CREDIT.
What is the result of your tzedakah?
Students with learning needs will access resources to become more successful and achieve their educational goals.
Please donate today and honor the memory of Dr. Stuart Gottesfeld.
At this particular time, it is especially meaningful and worthy to continue his legacy of support for our children. As we commit to our community, through our generous gift of tzedakah, let us all be reminded that we are truly acknowledging and advancing the legacy of our beloved Dr. G.
A great and ever improving education for Jewish children does not happen on its own. It’s dependent on people who care about providing a quality Jewish education to ALL students.
This cause is so important that a group of donors has challenged us to match $75,000 and raise a total of $150,000 in just 36 hours.
To help with that goal, please donate by September 11, 2023.
We wish you a Happy, Healthy, New Year!
Our Generous Donors
Chana Abrahams
Chaim Abrams
Scott and Sally Alpert
Yuriy Aminov
AYS Tzedakah Foundation
Graeme and Irit Bean
Jonathan and Denise Beren
Beth Jacob High School of Denver
Krista Boscoe
Jody Crane
Yisroel Engel
Yonina Englard
Yosef Ephrathi
Sherry Feingold
David and Sivia Fine
Aryeh Fischer
Susan Fishman
Jason Fox
Rob and Debbie Friedman
Shaul Gabbay
Tzvi and Sharon Gelt
David Gertz
Micah Goldbaum
Andrea Goldstein
Joe Golinsky
Sarah Golombek
Dr. Peter and Gabi Gottlieb
Rene Gross
Celeste Grynberg
Miriam Grynberg
Craig Halper
Larry and Cindy Halpern
Avi and Rayna Halzel
Mindy Hecht
Simon Hoffman
Andrea Hyatt
Ruth Hyman
Rudolph Indich
Rabbi Aver and Chavi Jacobs
Meryl Jacobs
Warren E Jacobs
David and Rivka Japha
Chani Kagan
Igal Kam
Rivky Kaplan
Sharon Kaplan
Steven Kaplan
Daniel Kassai
Peggy Kasloff
David Kasztl
Ahron Katz
Rabbi Jeffrey and Rhonda Kaye
Yeva Khavasova
Mordechai Nesanel Kipper
Tamar Kravitz
Daniel Levin
Yehuda Levine
Dr. Mervyn and Ann Lifschitz
Alan Linker
Chayim and Bara Loewenthal
Avi and Abby Mehler
Dr. Philip and Leah Mehler
Rabbi Yaakov Meyer
Naomi Miller
Daniel Mogyoros
Miguel Mogyoros
Jay and Joyce Moskowitz
Eli Mozes
Neil Olesky
Sydney Olesky
Charles Ovitsky
Seth Parkoff
Essie Perlmutter
Jonathon and Lisa Perlmutter
Alan Z Pomeranz
Rochel Meira Potestio
Rhoda Reiss
Dr. Robert and Erin Salehrabi
Gabriel Sarikov
Dovid Sauer
Mara Isser Sax
Ron and Sandy Schiff
Karen Schottenstein
Avi and Shoshi Schwalb
Robert Schwartz and Vicki Trachten-Schwartz
Schwartz Computer Consulting Services
Mordechai and Karen Schweitzer
Stuart Senkfor
Esther Shaul
Asaf Shraiber
Rivka Sher
Sora Simblist
Shachne Sommers
Hannah Sperber
Lisa Stroll
Karin Susskind
Nahum and Susie Swinkin
Michelle and Yitzchak Teitelbaum
Joni Troy
Gordon Trust
Samantha Walsh
Hadassah Wasserman
Yaakov Watkins
Matthew Winter
Dr. Lynn White
Cindy Wolfe
Daniel Woodrow
Anjella Yakubova
Glenn Zazulia
Richard Zerobnick
Staci and Mark Zimmerman
Brett Zuckerman
Ahuva Zussman
Aryeh and Penina Zussman
Dovid and Meira Zussman
Elly and Lola Zussman
Ephie Zussman
Menachem and Tova Zussman
Morty and Rayna Zussman
Moshe and Yehudis Zussman